Minggu, 12 Oktober 2014

Jelaskan definisi sistem akuntansi atau (SIA) menurut anda

  1. Jelaskan definisi sistem akuntansi atau (SIA) menurut anda ?

Sistem Informasi Akuntansi menurut saya adalah sebuah sistem yang memproses data dan transaksi untuk menghasilkan informasi yang bermafaat bagi perencanaan , pengendalian, dan mengoperasikan bisnis.
Sistem Informasi Akuntansi (SIA) adalah sebuah sistem informasi yang menangani segala sesuatu yang berkenaan dengan AkuntansiAkuntansi sendiri sebenarnya adalah sebuah sistem informasi
sumber : http://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sistem_informasi_akuntansi

2. jelaskan peranan SIA dalam rantai nilai / value chain ?

   Jawab: Kebanyakan Organisasi adalah bertujuan menyediakan nilai untuk pelanggannya. Hal tsb membutuhkan pelaksanaan berbagai kegiatan yang berbeda-beda. Menunjukan bahwa Kegitan-kegiatan tersebut dapat di konsepkan dalam bentuk rantai nilai(Value of Chain). Rantai nilai organisasi terdiri dari lima aktivitas utama (primary activities) yang secara langsung memberikan nilai kepada para pelanggannya, yaitu:
Inbound Logistics adalah terdiri dari beberapa aktivitas seperti Penerimaan, Penyimpanan dan Distribusi
2. Operasi (Operations) adalah berperan sebagai mengubah masukan menjadi jasa atau suatu produk yang sudah jadi
3. Outbond Logistics adalah suatu aktivitas yang melibatkan distribusi produk yang sudah jadi ke para customer
4. Pemasaran dan Penjualan berperan sebagai pengarah pada aktivitas yang berhubungan dengan membantu para customer untuk membeli jasa atau produk yang ditawarkan dan dihasilkan oleh organisasi
5. Pelayanan (Service) memberikan dukungan layanan purna jual kepada customer
3. sebutkan dan jelaskan pihak eksternal dan pihak pengguna utama informasi akuntansi!
Pihak Internal
Pemakai pihak Internal adalah manager atau pemimpin, yaitu orang bertanggung jawab terhadap kegiatan perusahaan. Pemimpin perusahaan memerlukan informasi akuntansi sebagai dasar untuk membuat perencanaan, menentukan kebijakan untuk masa yang akan datang, mengadakan pengawasan terhadap kegiatan kegiatan perusahaan yang dikelolanya dan untuk mengetahui apakah perusahaan sudah mencapai target atau belum
Pihak Eksternal
Pihak eksternal terdiri dari banyak kelompok yang berbeda-beda kepentingannya atas laporan keuangan perusahaan.
  1. Jelaskan Fungsi SIA dalam suatu Organisasi?
Jawab: Menurut saya fungsi SIA dalam organisasi adalah untuk pengumpulan data, pemrosesan atau pengolahan data, pengendalian dan pengamanan data serta berfungsi sebagai penyedia informasi. sebuah sistem akuntansi akan menambah nilai dengan cara :
• Meningkatkan efisiensi
• Meningkatkan kemampuan dalam pengambilan keputusan
• Meningkatkan sharing knowledge
• menambah efisiensi kerja pada bagian keuangan
  1. Sebutkan dan Jelaskan Aplikasi-aplikasi Teknologi Informasi pada suatu Organisasi(Minimal 5)?
  1. Transaction Processing Systems
TPS adalah sistem informasi yang terkomputerisasi yang dikembangkan untuk memproses data dalam jumlah besar untuk transaksi bisnis rutin seperti daftar gaji dan inventarisasi. TPS berfungsi pada level organisasi yang memungkinkan organisasi bisa berinteraksi dengan lingkungan eksternal. Data yang dihasilkan oleh TPS dapat dilihat atau digunakanoleh manajer. Sistem ini bekerja pada level operasional. Input pada level ini adalah transaksi dan kejadian.
  1. Office automation system (OAS) atau biasa disebut juga dengan Virtual Office (VO), konsep OAS menggabungkan penggunaan berbagai peralatan IT (Information Technology) mencakup hardware dan software) dalam berkomunikasi baik dengan satu orang/unit maupun banyak orang/unit untuk mengurangi penggunaan kertas (paperless) dengan tujuan terjadinya peningkatan kecepatan, ketepatan, keamanan kerja di kantor dan meningkatkan produktivitas kerja.
  2. Knowledge work systems (KWS) adalah sistem informasi yang membuat dan mengintegrasikan pengetahuan baru ke organisasi. Knowledge Work System mendukung para pekerja professional seperti ilmuwan, insinyur, dan doktor dengan membantu mereka menciptakan pengetahuan baru dan memungkinkan mereka mengkontribusikannya ke organisasi atau masyarakat.
  3. Informatic Management System
    SIM tidak menggantikan TPS , tetapi mendukung spektrum tugas-tugas organisasional yang lebih luas dari TPS, termasuk analisis keputusan dan pembuat keputusan. SIM menghasilkan informasi yang digunakan untuk membuat keputusan, dan juga dapat membatu menyatukan beberapa fungsi informasi bisnis yang sudah terkomputerisasi (basis data).
  4. Decision Support Systems (DSS)
    DSS hampir sama dengan SIM karena menggunakan basis data sebagai sumber data. DSS bermula dari SIM karena menekankan pada fungsi mendukung pembuat keputusan diseluruh tahap-tahapnya, meskipun keputusan aktual tetap wewenang eksklusif pembuat keputusan.  SUMBER http://getcharintegerina.wordpress.com/2012/04/19/jenis-jenis-sistem-informasi-dan-contoh-aplikasinya/
5. sebutkan dan jelaskan aplikasi teknologi informasi PADA SUATU ORGANISASI !
1.      Apakah benar sistem informasi itu tidak tidak selalu menggunakan computer? Jelaskan!
  • Tidak , karena segala macam teknologi informasi yang membantu manusia dalam menjalankan sebuah operasi dan melakukan manajemen jadi tidak hanya computer .

2.      Apakah yang disebut dengan sistem informasi itu? Berikan contohnya!
  • Sistem Informasi (SI) adalah kombinasi dari teknologi informasi dan aktivitas orang yang menggunakan teknologi itu untuk mendukung operasi dan manajemen. Dalam arti yang sangat luas, istilah sistem informasi yang sering digunakan merujuk kepada interaksi antara orang, proses algoritmik, data, dan teknologi.
  • Contoh :a.)  Sistem Informasi Manajemen, b.)  Sistem Pendukung Keputusan, c.)  Sistem Informasi Eksekutif, dan d.) Sistem Pemrosesan Transaksi

3.      Jelaskan bahwa sitem informasi itu berbeda dengan sistem informasi managemen?
  •  Sistem Informasi merupakan kerangka kerja yang melakukan sesuatu yang diproses berupa input data yang outputnya menjadi sebuah informasi guna mencapai sasaran sasaran perusahaan dengan bantuan sejumlah komponen berupa manusia,komputer,tekhnologi informasi dan prosdur kerja. Sedangkan Sistem Informasi Manajemen (SIM) merupakan salah satu jenis informasi yang secara khusus di tujukan untuk menghasilkan informasi bagi pihak pihak manajemen dalam pengambilan keputusannya.

4.      Mengapa sistem informasi itu penting bagi perusahaan?
  • Mendukung Operasi Bisnis
  • Mendukung pengambilan keputusan manajerial
  • Mendukung Keunggulan Strategis.

5.      Bagaimana membedakan data dengan informasi?
  •  Data adalah kenyataan yang menggambarkan suatu kejadian–kejadian dan kesatuan yang nyata.
  • Informasi merupakan ekstraksi dari data.  Informasi nantinya bisa diolah menjadi pengetahuan.  Informasi: data yang diolah menjadi bentuk yang lebih berguna dan lebih berarti bagi yang menerimanya.

6.      Jelaskan yang dimaksud dengan siklus informasi?
  • Siklus informasi adalah gambaran secara umum mengenai proses terhadap data sehingga menjadi informasi yang bermanfaat bagi pengguna. Informasi yang menghasilkan informasi berikutnya. Demikian seterusnya proses pengolahan data menjadi informasi.Sumber : (Riyanto http://blog.re.or.id/siklus-informasi.htm)

7.      Benarkah  kebutuhan orang terhadap informasi itu berbeda-beda? Jelaskan!
  •  Benar, karna kebutuhan informasi ditentukan dengan tujuan tertentu yang diobutuhkan

8.      Apa yang dimaksud dengan nilai informasi? Berikan contohnya!
  • Nilai perubahan dalam perilaku keputusan yang disebabkan oleh informasi dikurangi biaya informasi tersebut. Contoh : Penjualan adalah transaksi perubahan nilai barang menjadi nilai uang atau nilai piutang dagang.

9.      Apa yang dimaksud dengan sistem?
  • Suatu kesatuan yang terdiri komponen atau elemen yang dihubungkan bersama untuk memudahkan aliran informasi, materi atau energi untuk mencapai suatu tujuan. Istilah ini sering dipergunakan untuk menggambarkan suatu set entitas yang berinteraksi, di mana suatu model matematika seringkali bisa dibuat.
SUMBER :http://victhacom.blogspot.com/2013/10/konsep-sistem-informasi.html

Senin, 09 Juni 2014



Play Song
"One Minute"

Stay here, see me come undone
Just free my soul and turn me on
Lay me down and stop the time
So long now leave the world behind

We got one minute you know there's no other
It's too late, we're in it, you're blowin' my cover
Take me to heaven and back in a second
Light up this fire before you come rushin'
We got one minute you know there's no other
It's too late, we're in it, you're blowin' my cover
Take me to heaven and back in a second
Light up this fire before you come rushin' (rushin', rushin', rushin'...)

S-s-stop the time
So long now leave the world behind
Got me on the rise, got me got me on the up and up
When I thrash and cry, baby you ain't goin' rough enough
I'm your kitty girl and your back is like my scratchin' post
C'mon make me scream like I like I like I seen a ghost

Drink up, I'm soaked
I'm like the dopest dope you ever smoked
These feelings you evoke I only need one minute till I got you in a stroke

Stay here, see me come undone
Just free my soul and turn me on
Lay me down and stop the time
So long I'll leave the world behind

We got one minute you know there's no other
It's too late, we're in it, you're blowin' my cover
Take me to heaven and back in a second
Light up this fire before you come rushin'
We got one minute you know there's no other
It's too late, we're in it, you're blowin' my cover
Take me to heaven and back in a second
Light up this fire before you come rushin' (rushin', rushin', rushin'...)

S-s-stop the time
So long now leave the world behind
Look into my eyes say you never going to give it up
Try to get my prize it ain't yours until I get enough
Boy I got you sprung you're like when it rains it really pours
Know my body rocks what cha what cha waiting for?

Drink up, I'm soaked
I'm like the dopest dope you ever smoked
These feelings you evoke I only need one minute till I got you in a stroke

Ohh oh oh oh oh ohh oh oh oh oh

We got one minute you know there's no other
It's too late, we're in it, you're blowin' my cover
Take me to heaven and back in a second
Light up this fire before you come rushin'
We got one minute you know there's no other
It's too late, we're in it, you're blowin' my cover
Take me to heaven and back in a second
Light up this fire before you come rushin' (rushin', rushin', rushin'...)


Play Song
"Wake Me Up"

Feeling my way through the darkness
Guided by a beating heart
I can't tell where the journey will end
But I know where to start

They tell me I'm too young to understand
They say I'm caught up in a dream
Well life will pass me by if I don't open up my eyes
Well that's fine by me

So wake me up when it's all over
When I'm wiser and I'm older
All this time I was finding myself
And I didn't know I was lost

I tried carrying the weight of the world
But I only have two hands
Hope I get the chance to travel the world
But I don't have any plans

Wish that I could stay forever this young
Not afraid to close my eyes
Life's a game made for everyone
And love is the prize

So wake me up when it's all over
When I'm wiser and I'm older
All this time I was finding myself
And I didn't know I was lost

Didn't know I was lost
I didn't know I was lost
I didn't know I was lost
I didn't know (didn't know, didn't know)


Play Song
"Brother / Sister"
(feat. Dan Tyminski)

Hey brother, there’s an endless road to re-discover.
Hey sister, know the water's sweet but blood is thicker.
Oh, if the sky comes falling down for you,
There’s nothing in this world I wouldn’t do.

Hey brother, do you still believe in one another?
Hey sister, do you still believe in love, I wonder?
Oh, if the sky comes falling down for you,
There’s nothing in this world I wouldn’t do.

What if I'm far from home?
Oh, brother I will hear you call.
What if I lose it all?
Oh, sister I will help you out!
Oh, if the sky comes falling down for you,
There’s nothing in this world I wouldn’t do.

Hey brother, there’s an endless road to re-discover.
Hey sister, do you still believe in love, I wonder?
Oh, if the sky comes falling down for you,
There’s nothing in this world I wouldn’t do.

What if I'm far from home?
Oh, brother I will hear you call.
What if I lose it all?
Oh, sister I will help you out!
Oh, if the sky comes falling down for you,
There’s nothing in this world I wouldn’t do.


Play Song

I heard you're feeling nothing's going right
Why don't you let me stop by?
The clock is ticking, running out of time
So we should party all night

So cover your eyes,
I have a surprise
I hope you got a healthy appetite
If you wanna dance,
If you want it all
You know that I'm the girl that you should call

Boy, when you're with me
I'll give you a taste
Make it like your birthday everyday
I know you like it sweet
So you can have your cake
Give you something good to celebrate

So make a wish
I'll make it like your birthday everyday
I'll be your gift
Give you something good to celebrate

Pop your confetti
Pop your Pérignon
So hot and heavy
'Til dawn
I got you spinning
Like a disco ball
All night they're playing
Your song

We're living the life
We're doing it right
You're never gonna be unsatisfied
If you wanna dance
If you want it all
You know that I'm the girl that you should call

Boy, when you're with me
I'll give you a taste
Make it like your birthday everyday
I know you like it sweet
So you can have your cake
Give you something good to celebrate

So make a wish
I'll make it like your birthday everyday
I'll be your gift
Give you something good to celebrate

Happy birthday

So let me get you in your birthday suit
It's time to bring out the big balloons
So let me get you in your birthday suit
It's time to bring out the big, big, big, big, big, big balloons

Boy, when you're with me
I'll give you a taste
Make it like your birthday everyday
I know you like it sweet
So you can have your cake
Give you something good to celebrate

Boy, when you're with me
I'll give you a taste
Make it like your birthday everyday
I know you like it sweet
So you can have your cake
Give you something good to celebrate

So make a wish
I'll make it like your birthday everyday
I'll be your gift
Give you something good to celebrate

Happy birthday


Tak perlu kau ajak aku bicara
Tak akan pernah ku mendengar-nya
Ini aku yang dulu bahkan tak dapat sebelah dengar dari telingamu
Tak perlu pesolek berwangi bunga
Tak akan mampu luluhkan hatiku
Ini aku yang dulu bahkan tak dapat sebelah mata dari pandanganmu
Nikmatilah kejutanku
Ini aku yang baru
Nikmatilah rasa rindu
Tak lagi di kuasamu
Tak perlu gelitik aku tertawa
Tak lagi kulihat ada yang lucu
Ini aku yang dulu namanya terus jadi sisipan tiap leluconmu
(Reff 2x)
Dari dulu kamu tau
Patuh aku demi kamu
Dulu lalu tinggal dulu
Inilah aku yang baru


Oh yeah they tell me I'm a bad boy
All the ladies look at me and act coy
I just like to put my hands up in the air
I want that girl dancing over there
Look at her go on the dance floor
She's amazing on the dance floor
When she moves, girl, I want more
Keep it going, girl, like I got an encore
You got me sayin'
Go little bad girl, little bad girl [x3]
Go little bad girl
Go little bad girl
Oh yeah they tell me I'm a bad boy,
All the ladies look at me and act coy
I just like to put my hands up in the air
I want that girl dancing over there
Shaking her ass from the left to the right
Moving it round just the way that I like
I wanna see you move like a movie on flight
She got it how I want it and I want it all night
Look at her go on the dance floor
She's amazing on the dance floor
When she moves, girl, I want more
Keep it going, girl, like I got an encore
You got me sayin'
Go little bad girl, little bad girl [x3]
Go little bad girl (let's go)
Go little bad girl
She got my heart jumping
And my adrenaline pumpin' and gunnin'
Like ain't nobody ever seen (seen...)
'Matter of fact I've seen this woman all up in my dreams
Whippin' and flippin' and stackin' and slappin'
I'm attacking after she back it up and make it drop
After I meet her I tell her David Guetta's on the track, baby girl, don't stop
Keep it goin' you never know when somebody's gonna throw a couple dollars
Got a pocket full of hundred dollar bill's Ludacris mr. make-a-woman-hollar
And every night on the floor putting on a show (show...)
Everybody in the club there's a little something you should know
Look at her go on the dance floor
She's amazing on the dance floor
When she moves, girl, I want more
Keep it going, girl, like I got an encore
You got me sayin'
Go little bad girl, little bad girl [x3]
Go little bad girl
Go little bad girl
Go little bad girl, little bad girl [x3]
Go little bad girl
Go little bad girl



Play Song

When I met you in the summer
To my heartbeat sound
We fell in love
As the leaves turned brown

And we could be together baby
As long as skies are blue
You act so innocent now
But you lied so soon
When I met you in the summer

When I met you in the summer
To my heartbeat sound
We fell in love
As the leaves turned brown

And we could be together baby
As long as skies are blue
You act so innocent now
But you lied so soon
When I met you in the summer


When I met you in the summer
(La La)

(La La)



Play Song
"Under Control"
(with Calvin Harris)
(feat. Theo Hutchcraft)

I might be anyone
A lone fool out in the sun
Your heartbeat of solid gold
I love you, you'll never know

When the daylight comes you feel so cold,
You know
I'm too afraid of my heart to let you go

Waiting for the fire to light
Feeling like we could do right
Be the one that makes tonight
'Cause freedom is a lonely road
We're under control

We're under control

I might be anyone
A lone fool out in the sun
Your heartbeat of solid gold
I love you, you'll never know

When the daylight comes you feel so cold,
You know
I'm too afraid of my heart to let you go

Waiting for the fire to light
Feeling like we could do right
Be the one that makes tonight
'Cause freedom is a lonely road
We're under control

Waiting for the fire to light
Feeling like we could do right
Be the one that makes tonight
'Cause freedom is a lonely road
We're under control

We're under control


Play Song

When Jason was at the table
I kept on seeing him look at me while he was with that other girl
Do you think he was just doing that to make me jealous?
Because he was totally texting me all night last night
And I don't know if it's a booty call or not
So... like what do you think?
Did you think that girl was pretty?
How did that girl even get in here?
Do you see her?
She's so short and that dress is so tacky
Who wears Cheetah?
It's not even summer, why does the DJ keep on playing "Summertime Sadness"?
After we go to the bathroom, can we go smoke a cigarette?
I really need one
But first,
Let me take a selfie

[Beat drops]

Can you guys help me pick a filter?
I don't know if I should go with XX Pro or Valencia
I wanna look tan
What should my caption be?
I want it to be clever
How about "Livin' with my bitches, hash tag LIVE"
I only got 10 likes in the last 5 minutes
Do you think I should take it down?
Let me take a little selfie

[Beat drops]

Wait, pause, Jason just liked my selfie
What a creep
Is that guy sleeping over there?
Yeah, the one next to the girl with no shoes on
That's so ratchet
That girl is such a fake model
She definitely bought all her Instagram followers
Who goes out on Mondays?
OK, let's go take some shots
Oh no, ugh I feel like I'm gonna throw up
Oh wait, nevermind I'm fine
Let's go dance
There's no vodka at this table
Do you know anyone else here?
Oh my God, Jason just texted me
Should I go home with him?
I guess I took a good selfie

Selfie [x8]

Let me take a selfie


Play Song

Eh-eh-o eh-o

I was left to my own devices
Many days fell away with nothing to show

And the walls kept tumbling down
In the city that we love
Great clouds roll over the hills
Bringing darkness from above

But if you close your eyes,
Does it almost feel like
Nothing changed at all?
And if you close your eyes,
Does it almost feel like
You've been here before?
How am I gonna be an optimist about this?
How am I gonna be an optimist about this?

We were caught up and lost in all of our vices
In your pose as the dust settled around us

And the walls kept tumbling down
In the city that we love
Great clouds roll over the hills
Bringing darkness from above

But if you close your eyes,
Does it almost feel like
Nothing changed at all?
And if you close your eyes,
Does it almost feel like
You've been here before?
How am I gonna be an optimist about this?
How am I gonna be an optimist about this?

Eh-eh-o eh-o

Oh where do we begin?
The rubble or our sins?
Oh oh where do we begin?
The rubble or our sins?

And the walls kept tumbling down (oh where do we begin?)
In the city that we love (the rubble or our sins?)
Great clouds roll over the hills (oh where do we begin?)
Bringing darkness from above (the rubble or our sins?)

But if you close your eyes,
Does it almost feel like
Nothing changed at all?
And if you close your eyes,
Does it almost feel like
You've been here before?
How am I gonna be an optimist about this?
How am I gonna be an optimist about this?

If you close your eyes, does it almost feel like nothing changed at all?

Eh-eh-o eh-o


Play Song
"Young Girls"

I spent all my money, bought a big old fancy car
For these bright-eyed honies
Oh, yeah, you know who you are
Keep me up 'til the sun is high
'Til the birds start calling my name
I'm addicted and I don't know why
Guess I've always been this way

All these roads steer me wrong
But I still drive them all night long, all night long

All you young wild girls
You make a mess of me
Yeah, you young wild girls
You'll be the death for me, the death for me
All you young wild girls
No matter what you do
Yeah, you young wild girls
I'll always come back to you, come back to you

I get lost under these lights
I get lost in the words I say
Start believing my own lies
Like "Everything will be okay"
Oh, I still dream of a simple life
Boy meets girl, makes her his wife
But love don't exist
When you live like this
That much I know, yes I know

All these roads steer me wrong
But I still drive them all night long, all night long

All you young wild girls
You make a mess of me
Yeah, you young wild girls
You'll be the death for me, the death for me
All you young wild girls
No matter what you do
Yeah, you young wild girls
I'll always come back to you, come back to you

You, you, you,
You, you, you
Yeah, you, you, you
You, you, you, you

All you young wild girls
You make a mess of me
Yeah, you young wild girls
You'll be the death for me, the death for me
All you young wild girls
No matter what you do
Yeah, you young wild girls
I'll always come back to you, come back to you


Play Song
"Dark Horse"
(feat. Juicy J)

Oh, no.

[Juicy J:]
Ya'll know what it is
Katy Perry
Juicy J, aha.
Let's rage

[Katy Perry:]
I knew you were
You were gonna come to me
And here you are
But you better choose carefully
‘Cause I, I’m capable of anything
Of anything and everything

Make me your Aphrodite
Make me your one and only
But don’t make me your enemy, your enemy, your enemy

So you wanna play with magic
Boy, you should know what you're falling for
Baby do you dare to do this?
Cause I’m coming at you like a dark horse
Are you ready for, ready for
A perfect storm, perfect storm
Cause once you’re mine, once you’re mine
There’s no going back

Mark my words
This love will make you levitate
Like a bird
Like a bird without a cage
But down to earth
If you choose to walk away, don’t walk away

It’s in the palm of your hand now baby
It’s a yes or no, no maybe
So just be sure before you give it all to me
All to me, give it all to me

So you wanna play with magic
Boy, you should know what you're falling for
Baby do you dare to do this?
Cause I’m coming at you like a dark horse
Are you ready for, ready for
A perfect storm, perfect storm
Cause once you’re mine, once you’re mine (love trippin')
There’s no going back

[Juicy J - Rap Verse:]
She’s a beast
I call her Karma (come back)
She eats your heart out
Like Jeffrey Dahmer (woo)
Be careful
Try not to lead her on
Shorty’s heart is on steroids
Cause her love is so strong
You may fall in love
When you meet her
If you get the chance you better keep her
She's sweet as pie but if you break her heart
She'll turn cold as a freezer
That fairy tale ending with a knight in shining armor
She can be my Sleeping Beauty
I’m gon’ put her in a coma
Damn I think I love her
Shorty so bad, I’m sprung and I don’t care
She ride me like a roller coaster
Turned the bedroom into a fair (a fair!)
Her love is like a drug
I was tryna hit it and quit it
But lil' mama so dope
I messed around and got addicted

[Katy Perry:]
So you wanna play with magic
Boy, you should know what you're falling for (you should know)
Baby do you dare to do this?
Cause I’m coming at you like a dark horse (like a dark horse)
Are you ready for, ready for (ready for)
A perfect storm, perfect storm (a perfect storm)
Cause once you’re mine, once you’re mine (mine)
There’s no going back


Play Song
"Say Something"
(with Christina Aguilera)

Say something, I'm giving up on you
I'll be the one, if you want me to
Anywhere I would've followed you
Say something, I'm giving up on you

And I am feeling so small
It was over my head
I know nothing at all

And I will stumble and fall
I'm still learning to love
Just starting to crawl

Say something, I'm giving up on you
I'm sorry that I couldn't get to you
Anywhere I would've followed you
Say something, I'm giving up on you

And I will swallow my pride
You're the one that I love
And I'm saying goodbye

Say something, I'm giving up on you
And I'm sorry that I couldn't get to you
And anywhere I would've followed you (Oh-oh-oh-oh)
Say something, I'm giving up on you

Say something, I'm giving up on you
Say something...

"All Of Me"

[Verse 1:]
What would I do without your smart mouth?
Drawing me in, and you kicking me out
You've got my head spinning, no kidding, I can't pin you down
What's going on in that beautiful mind
I'm on your magical mystery ride
And I'm so dizzy, don't know what hit me, but I'll be alright

My head's under water
But I'm breathing fine
You're crazy and I'm out of my mind

'Cause all of me
Loves all of you
Love your curves and all your edges
All your perfect imperfections
Give your all to me
I'll give my all to you
You're my end and my beginning
Even when I lose I'm winning
'Cause I give you all of me
And you give me all of you, oh

[Verse 2:]
How many times do I have to tell you
Even when you're crying you're beautiful too
The world is beating you down, I'm around through every mood
You're my downfall, you're my muse
My worst distraction, my rhythm and blues
I can't stop singing, it's ringing, in my head for you

My head's under water
But I'm breathing fine
You're crazy and I'm out of my mind

'Cause all of me
Loves all of you
Love your curves and all your edges
All your perfect imperfections
Give your all to me
I'll give my all to you
You're my end and my beginning
Even when I lose I'm winning
'Cause I give you all of me
And you give me all of you, oh

Give me all of you
Cards on the table, we're both showing hearts
Risking it all, though it's hard

'Cause all of me
Loves all of you
Love your curves and all your edges
All your perfect imperfections
Give your all to me
I'll give my all to you
You're my end and my beginning
Even when I lose I'm winning
'Cause I give you all of me
And you give me all of you

I give you all of me
And you give me all of you, oh


Every time that you get undressed
I hear symphonies in my head
I wrote this song just looking at you oh, oh
Yeah the drums they swing low
And the trumpets they go
And the trumpets they go
Yeah the trumpets they go

Da da, da ra ra da, da, da
Da, ra, ra, ra, da, da
Da da, da ra ra da, da, da
Da, ra, ra, ra, da, da
They go

[Verse 1:]
Is it weird that I hear
Violins whenever you’re gone
Whenever you’re gone
Is it weird that your ass
Remind me of a Kanye West song?
Kanye West song

Is it weird that I hear
Trumpets when you’re turning me on?
Turning me on
Is it weird that your bra
Remind me of a Katy Perry song?

Every time that you get undressed
I hear symphonies in my head
I wrote this song just looking at you ooh, oh
Yeah the drums they swing low
And the trumpets they go (and they playing for you girl)
And the trumpets they go (ha, yeah)
Yeah the trumpets they go
Yeah the trumpets they go (go, go go, go go, go, go go)
And they go

Da da, da da da da [7x]
They go

[Verse 2:]
(Damn) Is it weird that I hear
Angels every time that you moan?
Time that you moan
Is it weird that your eyes
Remind me of a Coldplay song?
Coldplay song

Is it weird that I hear
Trumpets when you’re turning me on?
Turning me on
Is it weird that your bra
Remind me of a Katy Perry song?

Every time that you get undressed
I hear symphonies in my head
I wrote this song just looking at you oh
Oh yeah

Every time (every time) that you get undressed (every time that you get undressed)
I hear symphonies in my head (I hear symphonies in my head)
I wrote this song (I wrote this song) just looking at you oh, oh (just looking at you girl)
Yeah the drums they swing low
And the trumpets they go (ha, acapella on them)
They go (oh, yeah)
Come on, come on, come on, they go

"You're Beautiful"

My life is brilliant.

My life is brilliant.
My love is pure.
I saw an angel.
Of that I'm sure.
She smiled at me on the subway.
She was with another man.
But I won't lose no sleep on that,
'Cause I've got a plan.

You're beautiful. You're beautiful.
You're beautiful, it's true.
I saw your face in a crowded place,
And I don't know what to do,
'Cause I'll never be with you.

Yes, she caught my eye,
As we walked on by.
She could see from my face that I was,
Flying high. [ - video/radio edited version]
Fucking high. [ - CD version]
And I don't think that I'll see her again,
But we shared a moment that will last 'til the end.

You're beautiful. You're beautiful.
You're beautiful, it's true.
I saw your face in a crowded place,
And I don't know what to do,
'Cause I'll never be with you.

You're beautiful. You're beautiful.
You're beautiful, it's true.
There must be an angel with a smile on her face,
When she thought up that I should be with you.
But it's time to face the truth,
I will never be with you.

Can't Remember To Forget You"

I left a note on my bedpost
Said not to repeat yesterday's mistakes
What I tend to do when it comes to you
I see only the good, selective memory

The way you make me feel yeah, you got a hold on me
I've never met someone so different
Oh here we go
You part of me now, you part of me
So where you go I follow, follow, follow

[Chorus 1:]
Ohohohoh ohohohoh
I can't remember to forget you
Ohohohoh ohohohoh
I keep forgetting I should let you go
But when you look at me, the only memory,
Is us kissing in the moonlight
Ohohohoh ohohohoh
I can't remember to forget you
I can't remember to forget you
Ohohohoh ohohohoh

[Verse 2 - Rihanna:]
I go back again
Fall off the train
Land in his bed
Repeat yesterday's mistakes
What I'm trying to say is not to forget
You see only the good, selective memory

The way he makes me feel like
The way he makes me feel
I never see to act so stupid
Oh here we go
He a part of me now, he a part of me

So where he goes I follow, follow, follow, oh

[Chorus 2 - Both:]
Ohohohoh ohohohoh
I can't remember to forget you
Ohohohoh ohohohoh
I keep forgetting I should let you go
But when you look at me, the only memory,
Is us kissing in the moonlight
Ohohohoh ohohohoh
I can't remember to forget you

[Bridge - Shakira:]
I'd rob and I'd kill to keep him with me
I'd do anything for that boy
I'd give my last dime to hold him tonight
I'd do anything for that boy

[Bridge - Rihanna:]
I'd rob and I'd kill to keep him with me
I'd do anything for that boy
I'd give my last dime to hold him tonight
I'd do anything for that boy

[Chorus 3 - Both:]
Ohohohoh ohohohoh
I can't remember to forget you
Ohohohoh ohohohoh
I keep forgetting I should let you go
But when you look at me, the only memory,
Is us kissing in the moonlight
Ohohohoh ohohohoh
I can't remember to forget you
But when you look at me, the only memory,
Is us kissing in the moonlight
Ohohohoh ohohohoh
I can't remember to forget you

Dongeng Rapunzel?

Pernah mendengar kisah dongeng tersebut?? Mmm.. Pasti sobat semua kompak bilang iya. Benar, selain dongeng cinderella dan snow white, dongeng rapunzel juga cukup terkenal di Indonesia bahkan di dunia. Jalan cerita yang menarik pastinya bakal membuat orang yang membacanya merasa sangat terhibur.

Dongeng Rapunzel merupakan dongeng yang berasal dari negara Jerman sana. Rapunzel merupakan salah satu koleksi cerita yang dipublikasikan pada tahun 1812 oleh Brothers Grimm. Brothers Grimm mengadaptasi cerita tersebut dari dongeng Charlotte-Rose de Caumont de La Force yang pertama terbit pada tahun 1698. Cukup tua juga ya dongeng Rapunzel.
Nah, Dongeng yang baru dibuat filem pada tahun 2012 oleh Walt Disney dengan judul Tangled terseubt akan Zona Siswa hadirkan untuk sobat sekalian pada kesempatan kali ini. Semoga dongeng Rapunzel tersebut di bawah ini bisa menghibur sobat sekalian. Semoga bermanfaat. Check this out!!!
Kisah Dongeng Rapunzel | www.belajarbahasainggris.us
Dongeng Rapunzel
Suatu ketika tersebutlah pasangan suami istri yang sangat mendambakan seorang anak. Rasa sedih dan sepi selalu menyelimuti mereka saat itu. Tapi sekian lama berlalu, sang istri pun menunjuka tanda bahwa di hamil. Mereka pun sangat senang akan hal itu.

Tapi kesenangan mereka tidak bertahan lama. Sang istri jatuh sakit. Sang suami pun bingung karena tidak ada obat atau orang yang bias menyembuhkannya. Tapi tiba-tiba ada seorang wanita tua yang menyarankan untuk memakan bunga rampion yang hanya tumbuh di balik bukit.

Sang suami pun pergi untuk mengambil bunga tersebut untuk dijadikan obat untuk istrinya. Ternyata tempat dimana bunga tersebut tumbuh merupakan wilayah dari seorang penyihir jahat. Sang suami pun tidak mempuyai pilihan lain, jika dia tidak mendapatkan bunga tersebut istrinya akan meninggal. Dia akhirnya memberanikan diri untuk mengambil bunga tersebut. Tapi sayang usahanya gagal, penyihir jahat pemilik kebun dimana bunga rampion itu tumbuh memergoki sang suami sedang mencuri bunga dikebunya.

"Berani sekali kamu, mencuri bunga di kebun kesayangan ku!!!" Kata sang penyihir murka.

"Ku mohon ampunilah saya. Istri saya sedang mengandung dan sekarang sedang jatuh sakit. Hanya bunga rampion ini lah yang bisa menyembuhkannnya." Sang suami memohon

"Hahahahahha... Hahahahah... Hahahahah..." tiba-tiba sang penyihir tersebut tertawa.

"Kamu boleh membawa bunga rampion dari kebun ku sebanyak yang kamu butuhkan. Dan saya juga memaafkan atas tidakkan mu ini. Tapi dengan satu syarat. Kamu harus menyerahkan anak yang kelak lahir kepada ku. Tenang saja, saya akan memperlakukan anak itu seperti anak ku sendiri" Kata sang penyihir.

Sang suami pun bingung. Akhirnya dia memilih untuk menyetujui syarat tersebut untuk keselamatan istri, dirinya sendiri dan anak yang kelak lahir. Dan ketika bayinya lahir, sang penyihir pun muncul dan memberi bayi tersebut nama Rapunzel dan mengambilnya dari pelukan orang tuanya.

Rapunzel tumbuh menjadi gadis yang sangat cantik. Ketika dia berumur 12 tahun, sang penyihir mengurungnya di sebuah menara di tengah hutan. Menara tersbut tidak memiliki tangga atau pintu, hanya sebuah jenela kecil di bagian atas menara. Dan ketika sang penyihir datang berkunjung, dia memerintahkan Rapunzel untuk menurunkan rambutnya.

Yup, Rapunzel dikaruniai rambut yang sangat cantik, panjang dan berkilau seperti emas. Rapunzel harus menurukan rambutnya tersebut melalui jendela ke bawah dan dengan rambut Rapunzel itu lah sang penyihir bisa naik ke atas menara.

Setelah beberapa tahun hidup dalam menara. Seorang pangeran tampan yang sendang berburu di hutan tanpa sengaja mendengar nyanyian merdu yang berasal dari menara tersebut. Dia mencoba mencari tahu dan ingin masuk ke dalam menara tersebut tapi dai tidak menemukan pintu atau tangga untuk naik ke atas. Sang pangeran pun putus asa dan memutuskan untuk pulang. Tapi nanyian yang dia dengar menyentuh hatinya. Oleh karena itu setiap hari dia pergi ke hutan dan mendengarnya. Suatu waktu dia melihat seorang penyihir datang ke menara tersebut dan berkata:

"Rapunzel, Rapunzel,, Ulurkan rambutmu ke bawah untuk saya."

Seperti biasa Rapunzel pun menurunkan rambutnya untuk penyihir tersebut naik ke atas.

Ke esokan harinya, sang pangeran pun datang dan mecoba cara yang sama seperti yang si penyihir itu lakukan. Dia berkata

"Rapunzel, Rapunzel,, Ulurkan rambutmu ke bawah untuk saya."

Berhasi! Rambut Rapunzel pun jatuh kebawah dan sang pangeran pun memanjat ke atas.

Rapuzel pun terkejut dan takut ketika ternyata sang pangeranlah yang naik ke atas. Rapunzel belum pernah bertemu dengan orang selain si penyihir. Tapi tutur kata sang pangeran yang halus dan sipatnya yang bershabat, rasa takut Rapunzel pun hilang. Sang pangeran pun menceritakan kenpa dia sampai berani masuk ke menara tersebut. Rapunzel sangat terkejut saat kemudian sang pangeran memintanya untuk menikah dengannya. Dan Rapunzel pun berkata iya.

"Saya akan pergi bersama kamu, tapi saya tidak tahu bagaimana keluar dari sini. Bawakan saya sebuah gulungan sutra setiap kamu datang. Dan aku akan menenun tali dari sutra tersebut. Ketika tali itu sudah siap, saya akan turun dan bawa aku ke istana."

Mereka pun setuju dan meminta sang pangeran untuk datang malam hari karena sang penyihir akan datang di siang hari. Tapi suatu ketika, ketika sang penyihir memanjat ke atas, Rapunzel mengeira itu merupakan sang pangeran yang dia sayangi.

"Pangeran ku sayang, kenapa kamu begitu berat hari ini?" Rapunzel berkata.

"Pangeran???" sang penyihir terkejut. "Saya kira, saya sudah memisahkan mu dari dunia luar. Ternyata saya salah." Kata sang penyihir dengan marah.

Dengan murka sang penyihir mengambil gunting dan munggunting rambut panjang Rapuzel dan membuang Rapuzel ke gurun pasir. Kemudian sang penyihir mengikatkan rambut Rapunzel di jendela untuk mencari tahu siapa orang yang mengunjungi Rapunzel setiap hari. Benar saja sang pangeran pun datang, sang penyihir pun menurunkan rambut Rapunzel yang telah dipotong tersebut.

Ketika sang pangeran naik ke atas, dia terkejut, bukan Rapunzel yang dia temukan malah penyihir jahat yang ada.

"Ahhha..Rapunzel telah pergi. Kamu tidak akan pernah menjempainya lagi untuk selamanya." Kata penyihir dengan jahat.

Sang pangeran sedih dan merasa putus asa. Akhirnya dia melompat dari menara untuk lari dari penyihir tersebut. Tapi sayang, duri menusuk ke dua matanya ketika jatuh. Sang pangeran pun menjadi buta. Dia merasa terluka dan berjalan tak tentu arah meratapi nasibnya yang kehilangan wanita yang dia cintai. Sekian lama berjalan tak tentu arah, samapi membawanya ke gurun pasir dimana Rapunzel di buang. Di situlah sang pangeran mendengar nyanyian merdu yang tidak akan pernah dilupakannya. Ya, nyanyian merdu itu milik kekasihnya, Rapuzel.

Mereka berdua pun akhirnya dipertemukan kembali. Rapuzel tidak berhenti-hentinya menangis, kondisi pangeran yang dia cintai penuh luka dan buta. Keajaiban pun terjadi, air mata Rapunzel menetes ke mata sang pangeran, dan dengan ajaibnya ke dua mata sang pangeran membuka dan bisa melihat kembali. Sang pangeran pun membawa Rapuzel pulang ke istana dan mereka berdua hidup bahagia untuk selamanya.

"Let It Go"

Let it go, let it go
Can't hold it back anymore
Let it go, let it go
Turn my back and slam the door

The snow glows white on the mountain tonight,
Not a footprint to be seen.
A kingdom of isolation and it looks like I'm the queen.
The wind is howling like this swirling storm inside.
Couldn't keep it in, Heaven knows I tried.

Don't let them in, don't let them see,
Be the good girl you always have to be.
Conceal, don't feel, don't let them know.
Well, now they know.

Let it go, let it go
Can't hold it back anymore
Let it go, let it go
Turn my back and slam the door
And here I stand and here I'll stay
Let it go, let it go
The cold never bothered me anyway

It's funny how some distance makes everything seem small
And the fears that once controlled me can't get to me at all.
Up here in the cold thin air I finally can breathe.
I know I left a life behind but I'm too relieved to grieve.

Let it go, let it go
Can't hold it back anymore
Let it go, let it go
Turn my back and slam the door
And here I stand, and here I'll stay
Let it go, let it go
The cold never bothered me anyway

Standing frozen
In the life I've chosen.
You won't find me.
The past is all behind me
Buried in the snow.

Let it go, let it go
Can't hold it back anymore
Let it go, let it go
Turn my back and slam the door
And here I stand, and here I'll stay
Let it go, let it go
The cold never bothered me anyway, yeah, whoa
(Na na, na na, na na na na) [4x]
Let it go yeah
Na, na.
Here I stand.
Let it go, let it go, oh
Let it go.

lyric sepatu

Kita adalah sepasang sepatu
Selalu bersama tak bisa bersatu
Kita mati bagai tak berjiwa
Bergerak karena kaki manusia
Aku sang sepatu kanan
Kamu sang sepatu kiri
Ku senang bila diajak berlari kencang
Tapi aku takut kamu kelelahan
Ku tak masalah bila terkena hujan
Tapi aku takut kamu kedinginan
Kita sadar ingin bersama
Tapi tak bisa apa-apa
Terasa lengkap bila kita berdua
Terasa sedih bila kita di rak berbeda
Di dekatmu kotak bagai nirwana
Tapi saling sentuh pun kita tak berdaya
Ku senang bila diajak berlari kencang
Tapi aku takut kamu kelelahan
Ku tak masalah bila terkena hujan
Tapi aku takut kamu kedinginan
Kita sadar ingin bersama
Tapi tak bisa apa-apa
Kita sadar ingin bersama
Tapi tak bisa apa-apa
Terasa lengkap bila kita berdua
Terasa sedih bila kita di rak berbeda
Di dekatmu kotak bagai nirwana
Tapi saling sentuh pun kita tak berdaya
Cinta memang banyak bentuknya
Mungkin tak semua bisa bersatu.